Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Eve? Did that happen already?

Happy new year!

I definitely had a crazy new years eve this year; I really only remember up until midnight at my friend's party, after that it's all pretty much a mystery. So, my first new years resolution this year is to drink less alcohol. Maybe it was the not remembering how I got home, or the wondering if I did something stupid around all my friends, or maybe it was just the mud stained clothing strewn across my bedroom when I woke up with my awful hang over to welcome in the new year.

Luckily the follow up phone with my friend who threw the party confirmed I did nothing terrible at least at the party to ban me from any future Bartson academy parties. So my new resolution: drink much much less when I do drink and go out drinking less too. This is also motivated by desire to spend less money on alcohol; $100 a night in bar tabs is not conducive to money saving.

Other then my disgust with myself from New Year's Eve the weekend was pretty good. Got a great 15 mile run in on Sunday afternoon before the party, spent my Saturday evening with the folks in Maryland and ate some fantastic pork loin, spent all day Monday watching football and movies hardly leaving the couch (also something I am not exactly proud of) and went today out to spend my afternoon completing my first official shift as a dog walker at the rescue shelter. Got the new year started off right, just took me an extra day to do so.

The dogs at the shelter were beyond amazing and I got more lovin' then I've had for months. Went almost straight for Larry when I got there and had a blast with him. While I'm sure he would probably be a huge hassle to actually own and everything I absolutely love going in and playing with him. He is just so energetic and playfull and I just can't get enough of him. The first time I walked him I was with a couple of others so I didn't get to just hang out with him and get to know him but today it was just us. He was much more affectionate and interested in interacting this time. He still was all about his fetching the ball (which is a must for me in a dog) but he also ould come over and get his petting and affection too. Great dog.

Back to work tomorrow; the extra short week should be pretty nice. This coming weekend promises to be pretty great as well. If the weather holds up I should be getting out for my first mountain biking trip in the past 2 or so years and then Sunday morning I should be getting out with the Club for a nice team ride and maybe some beers and then the folks are probably coming down for dinner. Next week of course is restaraunt week so I will certainly be getting my fill of great food next week.

My top suggestion (based on the last restaraunt week): Cafe Atlantico - some of the tastiest food I have evr had!

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